Still keeping keepin' on. I haven't "seriously" been trying, but I have been tracking what I eat. Yesterday was THE shopping trip - we stocked up on healthier options and made the resolution to cook more from home. Last night - tacos. Not that healthy really - except without a tortilla....maybe. I admit, I had the tortilla. But won't tonight.
B: GoNature 2% Greek Yogurt (WW 6)
Banana (WW 0)
S: None
L: Lean Cuisine Pomegranate Chicken (WW 6)
S: Orange (WW 0), Mini Peppers (WW 0)
D: Taco Salad (WW 10)
S: NSA Fudgesicle (WW 3)
Per WW, I'm allowed 37 points per day and have eaten 25. Will more than likely have to look at adding more proteins to my day.
Onward and upward!
Amazon Prime Day
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