Friday, April 29, 2011


So, I've been a downloading & reading fool lately.  Forgive the pun, but my Kindle has re-kindled my love of reading.  Which is great - I have a lot of books to get through :-) 

On the genealogy front, I did hear back from an adoption agency in Minnesota that stated I would need to send them my father's consent along with $30.00 to even look to see if they have the records. my father and I don't really speak.  He sends me the obligatory birthday card once a year, but that's about it.  So I asked the Adoption Agency if my aunt could sign instead (same parents and I actually have a relationship with her).  The answer?  No.  Seems a bit unbelievable to me.  So not sure what to do now.  I could petition Ramsey county (where the adoption agency is), but then again, if the adoption records were private they wouldn't have been released to the state.  I'm one frustrated researcher. 

1 comment:

nath said...

Ugh, bureaucracy... There's no leeway in that, all they do is follow what's written down on their instructions sheet. Good luck!

yay on the reading front!