Friday, January 27, 2012


This was my lunch today.  It was not good -at all!  I even tried putting salt on it thinking that it would be edible (PS - I rarely put salt on anything).  It still wasn't good.  Never again.


Lori said...

Thanks for the head's up!

Rowena said...

I'm with Lori, thanks for the heads up! =)

Dev said...

I've never really been disappointed in a Healthy Choice before. This was the first time. Luckily I only bought one of these!

karen said...

Very good to know! I'm planning a massive grocery trip next weekend and one of the things I was planning on stockpiling was Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine type things for late nights at work. Now I'll know to steer clear of this one :)

Dev said...

Karen - I do the same! I stockpile for late nights when I haven't had a chance to cook. I think this is the first one I haven't liked.